Sep 30, 2020
Opioid addiction, abuse, and overdose have all grown to epidemic proportions in the United States as well as worldwide in recent years—such information is no longer up for debate. With an estimated 400,000 persons using illicit opiates each month, and another 4 million reporting use of prescription pain relievers...
Sep 16, 2020
September is National Recovery Month! In this invigorating interview with addiction expert, Dr. Nzinga Harrison, we discuss the need for removing the stigma and misconceptions surrounding the topic of addiction, and how to apply treatment strategies focused on understanding compassion, and evidence-based...
Sep 2, 2020
When it comes to serious mental illness (SMI), mental health professionals work hard to help remove the associated negative stigma, and to educate patients and caregivers to help them thrive. In this episode, we interview two clinical experts who are part of an interdisciplinary team at the APA/SMI Advisor program....